Creative Archives

Staking My Claim: A Declaration of Authorship

I am writing this piece to stake my claim on the original works I'll post in this blog under the Creative Archives section. The works are products of fiction fleshed from the incessant daydreams, nightmares, constant "what ifs", and things that may or may not have happened to me in the past.

I claim all of these works as my own under the influence of many factors which I shall be attributing before every piece. Every work has a story. I am more than happy to impart everyone to my readers. My wish is that no one would plagiarize my works for personal gain. I have fallen victim to one for the sake of clout, and I do not want to have a repeat of the same ridiculous scenario.

Once again, I hope you'll have fun getting to know me and my stories. I look forward to sharing more of them with you. 

For easy access, simply click the labels so you can be redirected to my works.

Happy Reading!


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